Monday 18 July 2011

When you think it can't get any worse

Stress. Is it really worth it. I mean school stresses me out the most actually that is not true a lot of things stress me out, due dates, friends, my passions, the future. I mean if I didn't stress i don't think anything would ever get done. I know its bad but it is like a motivation to get out of the wave of stress until another day. Even though I'm blogging right now. I'm stressing how I am ever gonna finish my holiday homework and it isn't like I just started now I've done this for a long time. But if stress messes with your head, your mood and what people perceive you as. Is it really worth it?
I am so confused. I mean I'm confused over a lot of things but this has bugged me so much lately it has actually been shared out to you guys. Whoever is listening anyway. If it is no one that is cool. Not many people listen to me anyway. I 'm used to it.
Jeez I sound like I whine a lot but really you just hear about when it gets so bad. I usually bottle things up. Trust me this is a good way to let a little out. I mean if you saw me bottling things up you'd not know what was wrong, I wouldn't tell you what was wrong. a) I'm stubborn and b) I'm too damn independent. So instead you'd think I was just really angry and not someone you'd like to hang with.
Okay another rant and I apologise, this is just a little self-centered but their are blogs that are coming up that are for you. I don't usually plan this stuff but I've suddenly got a lot to say and since people that I actually talk to don't listen you guys will just have to live with it.

It all starts with do you remember...

1 comment:

  1. I understand and can completely relate. I should probably let stuff out more, but even just to type stuff... I wouldn't know where to begin!
    I hope things get better <3
