Thursday 14 July 2011

Value 3. Humor

A friend needs to have a great sense of humor and so do  you. This humor is the door that opens someones true being, it allows them to realise that you aren't only serious but can be able to have fun, it allows the other to have fun and make a fool of yourself and themself without the embarrassment and the reprimands.
It was kind of like today. I went shopping with a friend and I had the best time I have had in a long time. It was nice to take down the serious boundaries that many think I am so that I can open up and express the lame, embarrassing self I really am.
I can't remember the time had laughed so much. It was incredible, my cheeks were so sore but I really didn't care as the endorphins propelled itself around my bloodstream.
Like for instance. There was this talent show in the shopping centre and my friend and I was on the top level and we could see this really handsome guy below. He was drinking a BOOST juice but you really don't need to know that detail. Anyway...I told my friend the next time he looks up I'll wave and no not the 'ol' jump and wave like a maniac' just a normal wave. Easy enough. He noticed we were looking at him but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I promised myself I would, the next time I waved and the funniest thing happened. He looked at me and then turned around to see if I was waving to somebody behind him. It was hilarious. We walked off pissing ourselves laughing. It is probably one of those you had to be there moments.
I didn't get embarrassed though, it was fun. No inhibitions. Nothing.
Just plain humor.
And to let go around somebody is something special.
Well I think anyway

It all starts with, do you remember...

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