Friday 29 July 2011


Yes everybody has heard of it and probably everyone has done it at sometime in their life...don't lie...even guys do it, sometimes they are the biggest bitches themselves. It is quite hilarious because you don't reckon they would but you know everybody does. Yes in my time...especially year seven I will confess I had done it too but I never liked it. I still don't. Why did I do it? Peer Pressure of course.
Now I have an aversion to it...when I hear a friend or somebody doing it, i hate it I can't stand it. It is actually hilarious when the person who is talking about you or a friend is looking at you whilst talking so you kind of get the idea of their conversation. I mean real subtle guys. Even children know how to act.
I mean sometimes I do it now but after it I feel guilty as hell and I vow not to do it again and I will keep that vow. Trust me.
Oke-dokies I just wanted to give my little spiel for the day.
And I am updating my food blog tonight as well, as promised.

It all started with do you remember...

Wednesday 27 July 2011


I couldn't help it. I had a a few minutes to spare and I told you that I would get you a poem and I did. It flowed easily for me, all of a sudden it just came. I know it is a bit long but I hope you like. For some a little cryptic but I guess that is who I am.

I see. I finally see.
I know. I finally know.
I remember. I finally remember.
And recollect.

Dark stained glass.
It is like I am underwater.
My heart beating and my soft breathing sounds heavy,
heavier than the rain crashing down my window.

Shadows. Darkness. Phantoms.
Linen. Warmth but cool.
Splash. It hits me, repressed memories.
Betrayal and Betrayed.

My constant.
The one I didn’t realise until it was too late.
His warmth and jokes never went astray.
My constant until he walked away.

Alone. Until one day.
The light heralded and he came.
Soft but steady, slow but ready.
And then somehow we were.
We just became.

It started with acceptance when no one would.
He believed when I said I could.
The goal lined up and then I shoot…somehow missed,
missed something major just let me think.

Fun. Hugs. Nicknames.
Someone understood. Someone cared.
Then he left and never came back again.
No calls, no texts, nothing.
Bond. Friendship went all down the drain.

Abandoned. Scared.
I am in foreign land where lipstick and mascara rule this band.
I had to adjust. Change. Never be the same.
For that I was blamed.

I got called names.
Laughed at and bitched about.
I never could be the same.
Because I was betrayed.

I conformed, uniformed.
Marched to their anthem.
Kept in time.
I hated all those days.

Black Beauty and the Silver Brumby.
Cantered into view.
I am all grown up and I am so confused.
Trust. Distrust. I really don’t know what to do.

I’ve been hurt over and over.
Cut deeper and deeper.
Each time doesn’t get easier.
So what do I do?

Jump Back. Whoosh.
The girls with the lipsticks and the mascaras.
The girls who didn’t see me.
I faded as he slipped away.

White. Sterile. Metallic.
So many cords and machines.
So little time but I didn’t know.
That another would go.
I was abandoned and betrayed.

The one that stood strong.
The one that I always had.
But something makes me not get close.
Like any minute he would go away.

My actions hurt him.
And he was my true constant.
Now I am the poacher.
And I am not the only one who has felt betrayed

It all started with do you remember...

a touch of sugar and spice is always nice

Yes my food blog is open. Link is Check it out not much yet but honestly more yummy things to come.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Who says being carefree is hard

I don't want to sound like a busybody but I really am although right now I am listening to Hotel California and blogging...damn plan for media and two essays. Anyway life is definitely too short to stress and so with this I have a few rules that I will abide to or attempt to to make life less stressful especially these up and coming weeks...musical soon and then auditions for play and homework and gosh soooooooooo much to not stress
1. Just don't. If anything seems it kind of put it on a scale and you will look at it a lot realistically.
2. I have many concerns and last term I got a little weird but you guys don't need to know that but all you do need to know is be positive and look on the bright side of things.
3. When you want to frown, smile...even faking it sends endorphins through your bloodstream.
hmmm what else...
4. keep your friends close and really not your enemies closer (though i don't have any I hope) because honestly that is too much hard work.

Okay my brain is fried trying to think oh and my friends helped me sort out the tagline. Past presence sounded better or something so thanks to joj and jaj.

Not that I needed more work but I have a great poem and I will work on it, hopefully for new post oh and the food blog is called a touch of sugar and spice is always nice... but their are no posts yet, haven't got around to doing it....busy. Cya

It all started with do you remember...
(how was that?)

Monday 25 July 2011


It started off as a foggy day, the rays of the sun could barely be seen as harsh as it was hazed out by the fog that lay thick in the air. This was last Friday morning.
My brother, mother and I walked to the train station as we were meeting family and I couldn't help escape this light as it hit my brother. He didn't even know I took these pictures above and below until later on. I vowed I will always carry my camera except for school for obvious reasons...there is nothing interesting there...haha jokes. (Awkward laughing at my own jokes, so not cool) Anyways I thought the sun was very pretty, it was a refreshing morning stroll.

In this picture the focus is a bit out and I think the reason behind that was because I tripped over the curb. Anyway it kind of shows a rounded illusion as if he is in a glass ball. Something like a dream or old memory.

here he looks just plain depressed...he isn't though.


I don't understand why people are obsessed with foreigners or foreign things. Is it the novelty? The mystery? Or the charm that comes with them? Or that they'd like to come with them. Something that is out of the ordinary that kind of spices things up in their relatively boring and ordinary lives.
Over the years I've seen such obsessions that have come in the form of boys, girls, fridges( the ones with the automatic drink dispenser and ice dropper), cars, driving, training, facebook...I think you get it by now.
But honestly I do not get it because I had never felt any of that for anything. Wow look at this object that speaks to you, haha I can't stop poking it. (that was sarcastic by the way) I have nothing against other people having fun with novelties but I am confused that I have never felt the need to express enthusiasm over new things. When people were getting their L's I didn't get mine until six months later and my friends were telling me too because it is so fun driving but I never felt like that and then a month later they say oh my god these intersections are a pain in the ass. Or with facebook but I've already expressed my opinions on that subject or there was this one time when my year five class got to eat fruit during class and have hot chocolates in the winter, people took advantage of it I mean I don't think you'd eat five fruits in the hour at home so why at school...because it is new and exciting? C'mon people we are talking about fruit and I love fruit but not like that. On musical camp we have a coffee and tea at our disposal but guess what happened people were drinking nonstop during rehearsals because it was there. Now honestly I think that is pathetic.
Again some of my ramblings.

Ooh I am making another blog but it is strictly about the food I attempt and I will have two posts up at least  by the end of this week. I've just been busy with school and personal things. So yeah. I will post the link for anyone who wants to have a look this week.

and I decided not to have a tagline because really that is copying jaja and she seemed to make it work and mine just...doesn't.
So yeah keep tuned.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Warm and Toasty Wednesday

Yes I am making a food diary on this blog too. Isn't my blog just great with its variety. Hahaha. (No I am not up myself)
Food Diary #1 Poached Eggs On Muffins.
Yes I won't take any credit in recipes that weren't from me or my mum. Haha. So no I wasn't looking for something that will lose weight but something healthy. This site has other yummy things but I used this recipe for lunch. Except I had one wholemeal muffin so one egg on each half. Because honestly I am a growing teenager (cough, cough). Instead of muffin you can use crumpet which is what they suggested but I don't like crumpets so yeah. But they also suggested a muffin to but the recipe above uses a crumpet.
So look to that website for the recipe and above is mine. It could have done good with a little more cooking time but let me tell you the tomato was refreshing with it. Over the  holidays I have fallen in love with apple on my weetbix for breakfast and tomato and tuna.
Now with this here are my tips.
Tip 1. You don't need to put salt on the tomato as the cheese has enough salt in it anyway.
Tip 2. Have everything you need before you start so you aren't running around like a madman/woman.
Tip 3. Don't salt your water, put vinegar in water and let it simmer and when you crack egg in the pan use a spoon to swirl the water around the egg around so that it keeps its shape. I learnt this from mum and it works so does the vinegar.
Tip 4. If you want to go healthy like mwa. Low fat or reduced fat cheese, wholemeal crumpet or muffin, even better wholegrain muffin, a little bit of salt on the egg but really healthy goers just leave the salt up to the cheese.

Practice makes Perfect so why not start now...

Bon Appetite

I've been inspired to cook. I really have. I mean I love baking and sharing my recipes with y'all but I have vowed to either do one really hard recipe a week or cook for my family one day a week, not including dessert. Though I would be doing it more for them than me. Yes I'm bringing healthy back. It makes me feel better. Anyway that is not the point. I  have been searching for all these healthy lunch and snack recipes for me but whilst I was doing that I was blogging and then I found this blog She isn't a chef or a real savvy cook but that is what I like about her. She is just like me who enjoys cooking. What she does is each week she attempts a difficult recipe and sees how it goes. The things she has on there is really nice and I really want to attempt them too. But go check it out. I bet you will leave with your mouth watering. Maybe don't go on it when your hungry. Trust me Big Mistake.

Other things I have been inspired to do is learn Italian. I mean I am Italian I only know basic language, I can hardly speak it but I understand it. Weird. Anyway those are my little milestones.

It all starts with do you remember...

Monday 18 July 2011

When you think it can't get any worse

Stress. Is it really worth it. I mean school stresses me out the most actually that is not true a lot of things stress me out, due dates, friends, my passions, the future. I mean if I didn't stress i don't think anything would ever get done. I know its bad but it is like a motivation to get out of the wave of stress until another day. Even though I'm blogging right now. I'm stressing how I am ever gonna finish my holiday homework and it isn't like I just started now I've done this for a long time. But if stress messes with your head, your mood and what people perceive you as. Is it really worth it?
I am so confused. I mean I'm confused over a lot of things but this has bugged me so much lately it has actually been shared out to you guys. Whoever is listening anyway. If it is no one that is cool. Not many people listen to me anyway. I 'm used to it.
Jeez I sound like I whine a lot but really you just hear about when it gets so bad. I usually bottle things up. Trust me this is a good way to let a little out. I mean if you saw me bottling things up you'd not know what was wrong, I wouldn't tell you what was wrong. a) I'm stubborn and b) I'm too damn independent. So instead you'd think I was just really angry and not someone you'd like to hang with.
Okay another rant and I apologise, this is just a little self-centered but their are blogs that are coming up that are for you. I don't usually plan this stuff but I've suddenly got a lot to say and since people that I actually talk to don't listen you guys will just have to live with it.

It all starts with do you remember...

Saturday 16 July 2011


Is there such thing?
The saying you have the innocence of a child, but a child really isn't all that innocent. Nobody is.
The person watching television and lowers the volume to hear their husband talking to his sister on the telephone.
The person who smiles sweetly at teachers and feigns respect for them when really they hate their class and wish they weren't seen as sweet and innocent.
The little girl who looks up at you with the sweetest smile but behind that is an ulterior motive.
Really there is no such thing.
It is human nature to strive for the desire and to achieve it anyway that is possible, everybody has an ulterior motive and Nobody is innocent.

Just an observation that came to my head probably five minutes ago.

It all starts with, do you remember

Thursday 14 July 2011

Value 3. Humor

A friend needs to have a great sense of humor and so do  you. This humor is the door that opens someones true being, it allows them to realise that you aren't only serious but can be able to have fun, it allows the other to have fun and make a fool of yourself and themself without the embarrassment and the reprimands.
It was kind of like today. I went shopping with a friend and I had the best time I have had in a long time. It was nice to take down the serious boundaries that many think I am so that I can open up and express the lame, embarrassing self I really am.
I can't remember the time had laughed so much. It was incredible, my cheeks were so sore but I really didn't care as the endorphins propelled itself around my bloodstream.
Like for instance. There was this talent show in the shopping centre and my friend and I was on the top level and we could see this really handsome guy below. He was drinking a BOOST juice but you really don't need to know that detail. Anyway...I told my friend the next time he looks up I'll wave and no not the 'ol' jump and wave like a maniac' just a normal wave. Easy enough. He noticed we were looking at him but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I promised myself I would, the next time I waved and the funniest thing happened. He looked at me and then turned around to see if I was waving to somebody behind him. It was hilarious. We walked off pissing ourselves laughing. It is probably one of those you had to be there moments.
I didn't get embarrassed though, it was fun. No inhibitions. Nothing.
Just plain humor.
And to let go around somebody is something special.
Well I think anyway

It all starts with, do you remember...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

rain rain go away come again another day

Who here remembers 'Around the Twist'. I used to love that show, every night after school I would watch it. It was awesome. The episodes I remember the most was one with the Vikings, the one with that weird looking bird and the one when that red-head kid could swim really fast in that competition. I actually went to that same place well that is what my dad said and we were young so maybe he was lying to make us go. It was freezing let me tell you.
Now this is a random blog but it is raining as I speak ( i mean write) and  it reminded me of the song which was a line in the around the twist theme song which reminded me of around the twist. if that makes sense.
It's kind of funny. I was in this school play and at one of the rehearsals we were doing this really serious scene. The boy character died and then the teacher goes 'I hope you have umbrellas because it is raining' then another student goes ' Rain, rain go away come again another day' (i think that is how it goes) anyway and then I don't know how but it ended up that we all started singing this theme song. It was funny Year 9's to 11's singing something that is so old and something that was young. It was kind of hilarious and the teachers were just looking at us with the weirdest expressions. Then the director started laughing and told us to get back to the scene.
I have no idea how this blog became what it is  now but there you go. Another random blog from a very random person.

It all starts with, do you remember...

I was thinking of doing this as my tagline since jaj and joj did one, I might as well get on the bandwagon.

Monday 11 July 2011

Let Me Vent

Okay this is going to be a ranting sesh so if you don't want to hear anything that is considered complaining stop reading now and if you are still reading, good for you. I am glad I have the support.

Let me tell you some things. I hate the colour pink, I hate wearing heels (though some  look pretty), I hate wearing long dresses. Lets just say I am a girl who'd rather comfort than look stunning. That's just me. I wasn't going to do the ball at my school but I did because I thought I would regret it. Don't get me wrong I love the dancing part of it, that is fun. I just don't like the beauty pageant part of it.

There are some who pay thousand dollars for a dress alone for one lousy night that is supposedly presenting yourselves to society or the school community. Isn't that what this really  is. A presentation ball. I mean yeah it is going to be fun and my partner is really nice but the concept I do not like and I am just plain frustrated.

It is like some type of karma is out to get me, my dress arrives and it has this train that we didn't order, there are a lack of beads that are supposed to look like crystal but look plastic and the zipper is about to break. I may sound like a premadonna but I'm not. I really don't care what I look like on the night, if i'm ugly or pretty, its just all of this fuss for one night is frustrating and stressful and not only for me but for my mum who gets frustrated and worried more than me and then argues with me because she is so frustrated that the dress isn't right and that i am so carefree. A week ago she just realised that I wasn't one of those girls who likes to doll themselves up and my mum is a girly girl who loves shopping and all that stuff. I really should've been her son. Except that fact I like boys and nailpolish and baking puts me into the girl zone.

okay like many of my blogs i get off topic but yeah. Thats it folks.

Oh and I miss jaja

Saturday 9 July 2011

Fresh air

I was so happy today because I hadn't taken the rabbits out in a long time since exams and stuff so that means I hadn't been out in a long time too. Well in my backyard anyway. Today was a lovely day and I took some pics. I love the rays of the sun. I hope you like them too.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Value 2. Compassion

This came to mind as I watched Remember the Titans for Psychology. Some may say it was some stupid motivational show and because it is for school it must be really old/ stupid.
But if you gave it some time it opened up, it grew on you.
Well it did for me.
It showed the true value of companionship which is compassion. Some say compassion is for those who are wusses but I think everybody could show a little more. Even guys. It is selfless and really doesn't have any negative affects.
Compassion helps heal any problems may it be physical or emotional. You're not weak for needing it and you are definitely not weak for giving it. It bonds people, acting like a glue to cover any scrapes or injuries. Compassion shows that you care for your friendship/ other relationship. It shows the support that is needed for a hardy relationship. And no matter what comes between you, the compassion overpowers all worries and obstacles so that the relationship can live on. Just like in 'Remember the Titans' when the whites and the african americans did finally bond at camp and then when they came back to a new integrated school, a lot of people tried to break them up but because of that compassion and that strong bond, they had each others back.
I don't really know why I am blogging this but I just think in this world today many relationships aren't built on the right values, many don't really know what the true meaning of friendship is and many need to know.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Value 1. Honesty

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life'- Winston Churchill.

'If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way. '- Emile Zola

I really like these quotes. Its powerful but not in the way it motivates you it just resonates a strong voice, a person who is sure in himself. I believe every word. I'd rather be an honest person and tell someone those jeans don't look as good as you think then tell a billion lies just so they get hurt down the road by other people who are not respectful of them. I'd rather people do the same to me. I'd rather more people be honest than lie. I don't really care if people don't like me and my opinions because the people who value me and respect my opinions are always there instead.
I reckon honesty would have to be the number one rule in any relationship, romantic or friendship and if it doesn't exist neither does the relationship.
I am already an honest person but from this day on I am going to stop even the little white lies. Because I'd rather people come to me for the truth than something that may comfort them. Everyone does it though. Lying and maybe you guys should go on the bandwagon with me to never lie again.
When you become like this you really do find out who your true friends are.

Monday 4 July 2011


She walks, each footstep as light as air. She is unknown.

Unknown is the person who walks through the crowd like a ghost
Unknown is the person who tries to start to tell a story three times and is still ignored.
Unknown is the voice that yells but can't scream.
Unknown is a person who can make a fool though nobody would turn their head to look.
Unknown can sing with the most prettiest voice though she captures no ears.
Unknown's symphony is lost as it floats away in the midst of her desolation.
Nobody can hear, see, or sense the chords of her life playing out even when it reaches its climax as her melody is trampled by the audience who does not watch or care.
Unknown can not get angry. What is the point?
Unknown is silent to all but is actually not silent at all.
Unknown is everywhere, amongst friends, family and strangers.
The next time Unknown tries to conduct her orchestra, smile, wave and maybe you'll make unknown's day.

The next time she walks her footsteps will be heard from all over as her pride and dignity give her hope that she has struck a note in somebodies heart and she is now Known.

an unfinished thought

this is a song i wrote but didn't finish. i hope you like it.
i'm working hard, harder than anyone else.
but it seems to me those are the ones who burn out.
luck runs the other way, what can you do?
I deserve it...I need it... I worked hard for you.

people have things that they generally throw away.
their appreciation is as short as a burning match on a windy day.
but these are the people that get what they want.
Luck is unfair... juvenile...and likes to taunt.

so many people work hard like me but,
their luck seems to run past and seek people who don't need.
It drips through your grasp,
melting like snow through the fingers of your clasp.
It's there, then gone in no time at all.
to have This you need to pounce and take all you want.

Haha I know its not very good. But as I said in my wishlist I would like to write pretty poetry and nice songs. I guess I have to practice more. Hahaha

My good friend Jaja

You my friend are always considering everyone else's problems. You write beautiful blogs and poetry that definitely struck a few of my chords.
You my friend are a kerosene lamp. Yes it is very simple. You are just a girl though like a kerosene lamp you have many parts and I am going to go through all of them.
The glass is your hard exterior, its not hard as in harsh but strong though you may not see it. The tough exterior though does not defect any warmth that radiates from herself, a special light that comes from a special individual. This glass does not shatter unless profusely beaten but there are many to pick up the pieces again. This light in the glass may dim making the glass grow cold but it steadies on, Allowing nothing to let it burn out.
The fire represents, the warmth, the strength the exudes in her character always making sure her friends are safe as and happy as she guides them to shelter, somewhere where they can relax and spill their deepest worries and regrets.
Rain can't even extinguish her flame but allows it to blaze stronger showing her true beauty from within.
The oil is what motivates her. As she strives for her friends and those who she cares for, they help keep the flame burning.
And last but not the least, wherever she goes, she radiates light from within as it affects those who she passes, friends, family, her dog or the person on the street. In someway she brings warmth to all and making her  mark wherever she goes.

Saturday 2 July 2011


Every morning I wake up and go through routine, each day ends up the same with a few little mishaps along the way. The only things that are different are the little dramas, boy problems, normal highschool things. But this. This is the one part of day which is always different but it is a good different. Every morning at 7.20 I go out and feed the rabbits and I see this. I've seen other things too like shooting star once. You don't have to believe me but it is true. I don't lie. The sun rising (pictures in my older posts), planes going by that look like birds, free. I never really know what I will find next. But every morning I see something that is breathtaking. It is a hint of summer in the midst of winter. I am glad I can share the tiniest experience with you all.


These chocolate cupcakes have childhood written all over them. The best memory would be me licking the leftover mixture from the bowl. Yum. I  made these today and I am so nice to give you guys the recipe. I guarantee they are delicious.
Chocolate Velvet Cake
It was originally a cake recipe but can be made into muffins or cupcakes.

125g butter,chopped (make sure it can easily be beaten, so small cubes preferable)
1 cup(200g) firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup (110g) castor sugar
3 eggs
2 cups (300g) plain flour
1/2 cup cocoa. (haha, i put a little more, it was an accident I swear.)
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/2 cup (125ml) sour cream
2/3 (160ml) water

Combine all ingredients in medium bowl of electric mixer. I preheated my oven here on a moderate temperature I used 180 but it can be different depending on the oven. Beat on low speed until ingredients are combined. Then beat on medium speed  until  mixture is just smooth and changed in colour. Now you do not want to overbeat mixture. So if mixture has turned lighter and there are bits of yellow that is the butter that has mixed fully  because it was too hard but don't beat it again,  butter will melt in the oven. I assure you all will be okay as this happened to me and they still tasted lovely. Pour mixture into cupcake paper things. Put in the oven for twenty minutes, that is how long it took me and it suggests if it is a cake fifty minutes though do less so you can put it in for more without burning it. If it is a cake stand for five minutes before turning onto a wire rack to cool.

During the process of waiting for the cupcakes to cook. There are two options. You can grab the bowl and lick the excess mixture whilst watching the cupcakes rise: kid style. can clean up: commando adult style. I took turns of both.

When cool enough you can make icing or not. I just used CSR chocolate icing sugar with half a tablespoon of  butter and a little hot water to mix. The easy way. Haha.

Serve with icing sugar or freshly whipped cream and strawberries.

Have fun.

My Babies