Monday 27 June 2011

What's in a number?

I was going to use this post to talk about how much I hate my birthday and aging and time and everything but I thought better of it. I will just talk about something a little more interesting.

Is the age when you open your eyes to each day and thinking every day brings new possibilities to have fun, to laugh and to play. Laughing that Daffy Duck laugh when you throw the big ball into the garden when you're not supposed to but doing it anyway as you get the pleasure of watching your young aunts go in there to get it each time. It is the age when your mother is your haven, as you think that all will be alright forever if you have her.

Is the age when you breathe in so much air filling your chest with beautiful oxygen and walking around like you own the place. Your independence rises, your brain grows and you know now that if you poke your brother you will get into trouble for it. You also realise when it comes three O'Clock you own the television and get to dream of being best friends with Po and B1. It is also the age when something goes wrong you don't mind crying in front of everyone because its natural and when something breaks you run to daddy because he is always there when you say 'daddy fix, daddy fix'. And he always does, no matter what. All the independence in the world doesn't hinder you for depending on him because he is the smartest man in the world.

Is the age when you  have the nightmare of the huge purple bear in the corridor and wake up to find no one in your bed but having a picnic on the lounge room floor and you go to join them, the age of your last nose bleed and the age when daddy breaks through the small trampoline and you just stare. Its also the age your oblivious to the tension in the house between your aunty and your mum and the age when your little brother drives the car that was in neutral into a fence. The age when everything is dandy and you have the hugest grin as you sleep anticipating Santa Clause and more important his presents.

You hate preschool, and paper mache. Its the age of wonders and joys when you think your sisters with Thumbalina and pretend to  be a fairy and have the best fairy party but you don't have to tell your parents how great it was because they can see it in every smile you give them and the brightness of your dark eyes. You don't know that from here on things become a little tougher because safety and happiness have ruled your life so far.

Kindergarten. You walk in and your mother is talking to the teacher and you run off and play with the doll house. You remember the nightmare of the spider that fell on your head and one of the kids mothers having to take it off, where you played the pink power ranger all day long and acted in the little sets one a kitchen, and the other a hospital, getting embarrassed as you play the patient and the teachers come to see what you are doing. You've moved houses and you loved it, not caring much for the old one, not having any attachments, life is good and

You get upset because you were playing batman outside and then when you came inside the teacher yelled at you when you repeated one of your lines from outside, inside, disrupting the class. The whole class laughed at you for acting and being an individual. School was supposedly tough trying to colour in texta and then pencil over the top to give it a glossy effect. Your gummy smile is not one of a baby's but growing up and this starts the ball rolling of change. Boys are just another person until next year when you see them in a different light. Drawing, colours and your big buddy consume your life. The year your parents were your armor that you hid behind despite that it was your family you were visiting.

Your first time performing in front of the whole school a dance routine, forgetting it but improvising and then people congratulating you later. It was the age of horses, Saddle Club was a fab show and you first wanted to be Stevie and then became Lisa. Acting out the episodes at lunch having pretend horses called Chestnut and Cappacino. Feeling smart as you know all the horse breeds like Palaminos and Arabian Thoroughbreds. Your best friend calls you  ninkenpoop and you call her back and right behind your back she ditches you for another.

The year of homework as you learn Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation. The environment becomes a large part of your study and the page a week looks daunting. Its the year you believe you can fly by jumping off the chairs and also the age when you bartered for crappy toys buying them with rocks. You made a few more friends and you were super jealous thinking the teasing boy liked you but really  he had his eyes on another girl. You were heart-broken. How naive

You still like that boy and people are telling you to get over it. Eventually  you do but you don't know that now.Your ninkenpoop friend leaves you for that girl and you end up playing with other girls but never really being the Lisa anymore but her annoying sister. Life is a bit down but you don't let it drag you and you keep being happy. It was the year when you started playing guitar because your dad wanted you to do something and you wanted to please, the age when you got your ears pierced and the age when you wore  a little wedding dress and feeling so pretty with a bit of lipstick on at your communion. The first time you tasted alcohol. Nine was the year you had to make up a pet dog because you had none and this influenced your parents to get two rabbits.

The age you felt pain and people told you were strong. The age you were scared of bikes after the incident and the age you got a scar. Your first question to the nurse was: will it fade by the time I get married? And is still now the thing you find most ugly about yourself. It's there like a reminder of how stupid you were to wear thongs and not runners, the day you were so stupid to listen to your brother as you drove down the backyard hill, so fast because he had done it and called you a chicken. The year things became tainted. You didn't know who were your friends and you met a girl and hung out with her.

You had your first male teacher. Learning got a lot harder as long division and math hurt your brain. You were afraid of being short all your life and boys became so complicated at one time you were liking five at once, but you never really liked them bar one. He was your best friend though you never saw it that way until he left the year later. You were a tomboy, playing downball with the guys, cricket with the class, having a ball with your best friend, you quit guitar lessons because you weren't enjoying it and your father was dissappointed and wanted to grow up to be as lovely as your mother.

Was the age he left, your best friend left you and you realised you really liked him. Was the age when your girl best friend at the time wanted to be popular and you guys got to hang out with the popular girls. She was talking make-up as the girls watched the boys play cricket and footy and you sighed as you wanted to play also. You got the guts to play and they looked down at you like scum. You didn't fit in and you knew it but didn't care. The age you got humiliated at camp and the age when your next best friend came to school. He was a guy. He was nice. We had nicknames and every morning you watched him and his friends play basketball and once had the guts to play with them. They looked at you like you were crazy but he saved you.  From then they never said anything but wanted me to play with them. It was also the last day of school at graduation and he told me I was pretty. That was the best day of my life.

No Comment.
All I'm going to say is this: with all his power and magic daddy could not have fixed this.

Getting scrutinized for being an individual. High School was tough but I trudged on. Nothing much happened. Fourteen is the age when you stop listening to your parents and then regretting it.

The best year, everything was going great. The age when you mature and desperately hold onto your dreams, the age when your parents don't support your dream but you fight for it. It is going to take time. The age when you find out time heals everything. That's what you stick by.

It is nothing sweet. Just an age. You realise a few things. That friends are like the weather you strip or rug up depending on how they are. You don't take anything for granted and your past experiences, moulds your morals. The teen year when love is what everyone looks for but you don't. Your too mature for that. You become a strong person and have huge values and you begin self discovery. You are you and nobody can take that away from you. You start to see through people and some aren't who they once were. The age when you pick up that guitar because you feel connected and you want too. You notice.

The age where everything catches up to you. Your eyes have opened to the world and it is not a happy place as you thought it once was. You become so insignificant to the bigger picture. It's the year you drop out of self-discovery and everything you worked fall and feel lost. You are so lost. There is nothing else too it.

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