Friday 17 June 2011

The thing about Facebook...

I am one in the millionth who doesn't own a facebook account. Many say that I'm crazy. A minority says Kudos.
I mean I should because we live in a technological world so why not keep up with the times.
Many say why?
I'm not really sure.
I always say I don't have time for it...which is not a lie.
But a friend told me if I have time to blog how come I don't have time to Facebook.
Am I scared I will get addicted?
Am I scared I will get stalked?
I genuinely think its because its just not my thang. Yes thang, I did not make a mistake. It's not my style. Maybe because I don't want to put my whole life up on the web or want everyone to know everything about me. I mean if they see one side of you they believe that is who you are because you said something and it can be taken in different contexts.
I know I could be a hypocrite or contradicting as I am blogging to you now. But blogging is not telling your life story, I mean yeah sure many do it but I like to blog things for people to think about and enjoy together.
I'm probably not making sense. But I never do.
And really...maybe its because I'm just really boring person. Its true though. I don't have someone special in my life, my life right now evolves around school. My brain is with the fairies. I read in my spare time and I like watching movies.
I really do have a boring life.

1 comment:

  1. haha, you're not a boring personnnn! don't worry i would rather spend my time reading and watching movies than on facebook, it's become such a habit
