Saturday 18 June 2011


Bleak stone, gray face,
standing anywhere
a market, a party, alone
in any place.

Dim sheer, paint bare;
I could shout, make a fool
and cry,
no one would care.

I have many faces
and they aren’t all the same,
each showing a different side,
nobody nears me just in case;

Not knowing which one I will show,
Not bothering to find out,
Because I’m no one,
And that’s all they’ll know.

Bleary veil, crimson, puffed eyes,
Salt crushed swelling rain,
I wish, but I can’t cry.
That taints and marks my demise.

I breathe and I feel,
I live and I fall,
I cover and I peel,
But nothing matters at all.

I melt into the walls,
a part of a door, window , chair,
a piece of furniture,
that nobody cares; for

Because I’m lifeless, inanimate,
each day is harder,
I become adamant
as I am nothing.

I am just a wallflower.

P.S this is for a novel I'm writing and it is inspired by Wallflower by Pricilla Ahn. Though this one is a tad darker. I hope you like.


  1. pwerty <3
    bags being the first to read your novel :D

  2. i don't know if you'd want to i mean its pretty dark stuff.But your monologue was pretty dark too. So there you go
