Tuesday 21 June 2011

The L word

Does it really exist. Love I mean but I guess you guessed that. I see people thinking they fall in love to many but they can't possibly fall in love with every guy they go out with. I think love is more intricate than that, if it does exist and I really find annoying how people say I love you to someone or I love her/him when they have been going out for a week. It's impossible. So I guess I think love at first sight is impossible.
Go ahead and tell me I'm gloom and doom but that is what I think. There is no such thing, because love can't exist in a world that has things happening to innocent people.
I'm probably going off track but it just got me thinking when my friend gave me this quote.
Read it. I believe he has it right. Then their are people who are trying to find it, seeking through desperation to have a boyfriend. My opinion is that is so stupid but it's their wasted time and not mine. Then their are those people who have no shame saying to me 'You should get a boyfriend' like you can just go the supermarket and pick one right off the shelf and then they ask me 'Why don't you have one?' 'Do you feel sad that you don't have one?' Uh...No. NO. NO! I honestly don't care. I mean I'd like to trust someone so much that I wouldn't care what they thought of me but I could have that in a friend. I'm not going to be one of those people who search for it. If it happens it happens.
Sorry this is such a rant but the quote got me thinking about some people and their questions. If you read this all Kudos and thank-you for listening.


  1. i totally agree with this post! :)
    haha i wanna go to the boyfriend supermarket :P
    imagine if that was real.. and there was like different shelves for the type of guy you wanted.

  2. YESYESYESYES. I agree with this so much.
