Sunday 12 June 2011

High Tea

I'm just putting it out there. I love my mum. Because on a cold day she made scones to brighten up my hard studying day.(exams soon!)
These were sooooooo cute because they were smaller than usual because my mum being the lovely lady she is forgot which size cutter she used.
They may not look scrumpdidilyumptious but let me tell you they were B.E.A.Utiful.
There is nothing that beats a scone and a cup of tea to relax your mind from the ongoing homework.

This reminded me of a time when I was little I remember making these with mum, thinking I was helping though really I was making more of a mess but she didn't care. I could barely see over the counter. I just love those memories. Though I can barely see over the counter now. Ha Ha Jokes. I'm a tad bit taller.

Now because I am sooooooo nice and wonderful I have the recipe for anybody who wants to try. Trust me they are simple, easy and quick. I will apologise now about the photos as it doesn't show these delicious scones in the best light. But trust me they are nice and I am getting a new camera for my birthday soon.

4 cups of self raising flour
60 grams of butter
1 cup of milk
1 cup of water
2 teaspoons of sugar
Salt (we usually don't put this in)

Preheat Oven to 230 or No.8 (depends on oven)
Place flour and salt in a mixing bowl.
Rub butter in until mixed together (you literally rub with you fingers so it goes like a soft crumble texture. It is easier if butter is room temperature.)
Add sugar, milk and water.
Mix until you form a dough.
Now get a board and put a thin dusting of flour on the board and place dough on board.
Roll the dough out until 2cm thick (we do whatever)
Cut with scone cutter (don't fret we use a round glass)
Place close together on a tray with baking paper and brush lightly with milk.
Put in oven for 15 minutes. (times can range slightly)
If not done with melted butter to brown them brush butter on and put in for an extra five minutes.

Serve with Jam and Cream and a hot beverage. (You can sweeten cream with castor sugar but the jam is sweet enough)
Now who says you need to pay $50 a head to have some fancy high tea when this is just as good and fun.


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