I had some really cool pictures of the black out that happened at my place not too long ago, it was all dark (thanks captain obvious) and the only thing you could see was the candle's flame. They looked like they were floating. I complained about not being able to finish my homework, or have a shower as I needed the computer for the homework part, the shower in the dark would just be scary. I realised how much I relied on technology.
I was so bored. I had no idea what to do and this made me imagine what it would be like for my whole life to have no electricity or anything that is a form of technology.
I kind of felt stupid because of my dependence on technology. Really it was just pathetic, I mean people in the past lived perfectly well without lights and technology, they had their recreation in different ways though I was stumped.
Today I was thinking about this matter as I was heating my hands and back where the stove was which made me remember that we stand along the ducted heating to get hot but at my grandparents place the little fireplace is where my mother and her family would have used to do the same thing.
Instead of a melways most use a GPS, instead of writing to someone or talking face to face, we have phones and social networks.
This is a good or bad thing. Good as the world is changing and we can't stop evolution in such things but bad when you just got owned by cavemen who would have been smarter than you in a black out.
It's kind of funny.
Well yeah that is my take. Write soon.

Thursday, 30 June 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
thats all there is to it. i don't want anything so don't ask anything. i was happy being the girl nobody really took notice of. why can't life be simple anymore?
Monday, 27 June 2011
What's in a number?
I was going to use this post to talk about how much I hate my birthday and aging and time and everything but I thought better of it. I will just talk about something a little more interesting.
Is the age when you open your eyes to each day and thinking every day brings new possibilities to have fun, to laugh and to play. Laughing that Daffy Duck laugh when you throw the big ball into the garden when you're not supposed to but doing it anyway as you get the pleasure of watching your young aunts go in there to get it each time. It is the age when your mother is your haven, as you think that all will be alright forever if you have her.
Is the age when you open your eyes to each day and thinking every day brings new possibilities to have fun, to laugh and to play. Laughing that Daffy Duck laugh when you throw the big ball into the garden when you're not supposed to but doing it anyway as you get the pleasure of watching your young aunts go in there to get it each time. It is the age when your mother is your haven, as you think that all will be alright forever if you have her.
Is the age when you breathe in so much air filling your chest with beautiful oxygen and walking around like you own the place. Your independence rises, your brain grows and you know now that if you poke your brother you will get into trouble for it. You also realise when it comes three O'Clock you own the television and get to dream of being best friends with Po and B1. It is also the age when something goes wrong you don't mind crying in front of everyone because its natural and when something breaks you run to daddy because he is always there when you say 'daddy fix, daddy fix'. And he always does, no matter what. All the independence in the world doesn't hinder you for depending on him because he is the smartest man in the world.
Is the age when you breathe in so much air filling your chest with beautiful oxygen and walking around like you own the place. Your independence rises, your brain grows and you know now that if you poke your brother you will get into trouble for it. You also realise when it comes three O'Clock you own the television and get to dream of being best friends with Po and B1. It is also the age when something goes wrong you don't mind crying in front of everyone because its natural and when something breaks you run to daddy because he is always there when you say 'daddy fix, daddy fix'. And he always does, no matter what. All the independence in the world doesn't hinder you for depending on him because he is the smartest man in the world.
Is the age when you have the nightmare of the huge purple bear in the corridor and wake up to find no one in your bed but having a picnic on the lounge room floor and you go to join them, the age of your last nose bleed and the age when daddy breaks through the small trampoline and you just stare. Its also the age your oblivious to the tension in the house between your aunty and your mum and the age when your little brother drives the car that was in neutral into a fence. The age when everything is dandy and you have the hugest grin as you sleep anticipating Santa Clause and more important his presents.
You hate preschool, and paper mache. Its the age of wonders and joys when you think your sisters with Thumbalina and pretend to be a fairy and have the best fairy party but you don't have to tell your parents how great it was because they can see it in every smile you give them and the brightness of your dark eyes. You don't know that from here on things become a little tougher because safety and happiness have ruled your life so far.
You hate preschool, and paper mache. Its the age of wonders and joys when you think your sisters with Thumbalina and pretend to be a fairy and have the best fairy party but you don't have to tell your parents how great it was because they can see it in every smile you give them and the brightness of your dark eyes. You don't know that from here on things become a little tougher because safety and happiness have ruled your life so far.
Kindergarten. You walk in and your mother is talking to the teacher and you run off and play with the doll house. You remember the nightmare of the spider that fell on your head and one of the kids mothers having to take it off, where you played the pink power ranger all day long and acted in the little sets one a kitchen, and the other a hospital, getting embarrassed as you play the patient and the teachers come to see what you are doing. You've moved houses and you loved it, not caring much for the old one, not having any attachments, life is good and free...care-free.
Kindergarten. You walk in and your mother is talking to the teacher and you run off and play with the doll house. You remember the nightmare of the spider that fell on your head and one of the kids mothers having to take it off, where you played the pink power ranger all day long and acted in the little sets one a kitchen, and the other a hospital, getting embarrassed as you play the patient and the teachers come to see what you are doing. You've moved houses and you loved it, not caring much for the old one, not having any attachments, life is good and free...care-free.
You get upset because you were playing batman outside and then when you came inside the teacher yelled at you when you repeated one of your lines from outside, inside, disrupting the class. The whole class laughed at you for acting and being an individual. School was supposedly tough trying to colour in texta and then pencil over the top to give it a glossy effect. Your gummy smile is not one of a baby's but growing up and this starts the ball rolling of change. Boys are just another person until next year when you see them in a different light. Drawing, colours and your big buddy consume your life. The year your parents were your armor that you hid behind despite that it was your family you were visiting.
You get upset because you were playing batman outside and then when you came inside the teacher yelled at you when you repeated one of your lines from outside, inside, disrupting the class. The whole class laughed at you for acting and being an individual. School was supposedly tough trying to colour in texta and then pencil over the top to give it a glossy effect. Your gummy smile is not one of a baby's but growing up and this starts the ball rolling of change. Boys are just another person until next year when you see them in a different light. Drawing, colours and your big buddy consume your life. The year your parents were your armor that you hid behind despite that it was your family you were visiting.
Your first time performing in front of the whole school a dance routine, forgetting it but improvising and then people congratulating you later. It was the age of horses, Saddle Club was a fab show and you first wanted to be Stevie and then became Lisa. Acting out the episodes at lunch having pretend horses called Chestnut and Cappacino. Feeling smart as you know all the horse breeds like Palaminos and Arabian Thoroughbreds. Your best friend calls you ninkenpoop and you call her back and right behind your back she ditches you for another.
Your first time performing in front of the whole school a dance routine, forgetting it but improvising and then people congratulating you later. It was the age of horses, Saddle Club was a fab show and you first wanted to be Stevie and then became Lisa. Acting out the episodes at lunch having pretend horses called Chestnut and Cappacino. Feeling smart as you know all the horse breeds like Palaminos and Arabian Thoroughbreds. Your best friend calls you ninkenpoop and you call her back and right behind your back she ditches you for another.
The year of homework as you learn Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation. The environment becomes a large part of your study and the page a week looks daunting. Its the year you believe you can fly by jumping off the chairs and also the age when you bartered for crappy toys buying them with rocks. You made a few more friends and you were super jealous thinking the teasing boy liked you but really he had his eyes on another girl. You were heart-broken. How naive
The year of homework as you learn Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation. The environment becomes a large part of your study and the page a week looks daunting. Its the year you believe you can fly by jumping off the chairs and also the age when you bartered for crappy toys buying them with rocks. You made a few more friends and you were super jealous thinking the teasing boy liked you but really he had his eyes on another girl. You were heart-broken. How naive
You still like that boy and people are telling you to get over it. Eventually you do but you don't know that now.Your ninkenpoop friend leaves you for that girl and you end up playing with other girls but never really being the Lisa anymore but her annoying sister. Life is a bit down but you don't let it drag you and you keep being happy. It was the year when you started playing guitar because your dad wanted you to do something and you wanted to please, the age when you got your ears pierced and the age when you wore a little wedding dress and feeling so pretty with a bit of lipstick on at your communion. The first time you tasted alcohol. Nine was the year you had to make up a pet dog because you had none and this influenced your parents to get two rabbits.
The age you felt pain and people told you were strong. The age you were scared of bikes after the incident and the age you got a scar. Your first question to the nurse was: will it fade by the time I get married? And is still now the thing you find most ugly about yourself. It's there like a reminder of how stupid you were to wear thongs and not runners, the day you were so stupid to listen to your brother as you drove down the backyard hill, so fast because he had done it and called you a chicken. The year things became tainted. You didn't know who were your friends and you met a girl and hung out with her.
The age you felt pain and people told you were strong. The age you were scared of bikes after the incident and the age you got a scar. Your first question to the nurse was: will it fade by the time I get married? And is still now the thing you find most ugly about yourself. It's there like a reminder of how stupid you were to wear thongs and not runners, the day you were so stupid to listen to your brother as you drove down the backyard hill, so fast because he had done it and called you a chicken. The year things became tainted. You didn't know who were your friends and you met a girl and hung out with her.
You had your first male teacher. Learning got a lot harder as long division and math hurt your brain. You were afraid of being short all your life and boys became so complicated at one time you were liking five at once, but you never really liked them bar one. He was your best friend though you never saw it that way until he left the year later. You were a tomboy, playing downball with the guys, cricket with the class, having a ball with your best friend, you quit guitar lessons because you weren't enjoying it and your father was dissappointed and wanted to grow up to be as lovely as your mother.
You had your first male teacher. Learning got a lot harder as long division and math hurt your brain. You were afraid of being short all your life and boys became so complicated at one time you were liking five at once, but you never really liked them bar one. He was your best friend though you never saw it that way until he left the year later. You were a tomboy, playing downball with the guys, cricket with the class, having a ball with your best friend, you quit guitar lessons because you weren't enjoying it and your father was dissappointed and wanted to grow up to be as lovely as your mother.
Was the age he left, your best friend left you and you realised you really liked him. Was the age when your girl best friend at the time wanted to be popular and you guys got to hang out with the popular girls. She was talking make-up as the girls watched the boys play cricket and footy and you sighed as you wanted to play also. You got the guts to play and they looked down at you like scum. You didn't fit in and you knew it but didn't care. The age you got humiliated at camp and the age when your next best friend came to school. He was a guy. He was nice. We had nicknames and every morning you watched him and his friends play basketball and once had the guts to play with them. They looked at you like you were crazy but he saved you. From then they never said anything but wanted me to play with them. It was also the last day of school at graduation and he told me I was pretty. That was the best day of my life.
Was the age he left, your best friend left you and you realised you really liked him. Was the age when your girl best friend at the time wanted to be popular and you guys got to hang out with the popular girls. She was talking make-up as the girls watched the boys play cricket and footy and you sighed as you wanted to play also. You got the guts to play and they looked down at you like scum. You didn't fit in and you knew it but didn't care. The age you got humiliated at camp and the age when your next best friend came to school. He was a guy. He was nice. We had nicknames and every morning you watched him and his friends play basketball and once had the guts to play with them. They looked at you like you were crazy but he saved you. From then they never said anything but wanted me to play with them. It was also the last day of school at graduation and he told me I was pretty. That was the best day of my life.
No Comment.
All I'm going to say is this: with all his power and magic daddy could not have fixed this.
No Comment.
All I'm going to say is this: with all his power and magic daddy could not have fixed this.
Getting scrutinized for being an individual. High School was tough but I trudged on. Nothing much happened. Fourteen is the age when you stop listening to your parents and then regretting it.
Getting scrutinized for being an individual. High School was tough but I trudged on. Nothing much happened. Fourteen is the age when you stop listening to your parents and then regretting it.
The best year, everything was going great. The age when you mature and desperately hold onto your dreams, the age when your parents don't support your dream but you fight for it. It is going to take time. The age when you find out time heals everything. That's what you stick by.
The best year, everything was going great. The age when you mature and desperately hold onto your dreams, the age when your parents don't support your dream but you fight for it. It is going to take time. The age when you find out time heals everything. That's what you stick by.
It is nothing sweet. Just an age. You realise a few things. That friends are like the weather you strip or rug up depending on how they are. You don't take anything for granted and your past experiences, moulds your morals. The teen year when love is what everyone looks for but you don't. Your too mature for that. You become a strong person and have huge values and you begin self discovery. You are you and nobody can take that away from you. You start to see through people and some aren't who they once were. The age when you pick up that guitar because you feel connected and you want too. You notice.
It is nothing sweet. Just an age. You realise a few things. That friends are like the weather you strip or rug up depending on how they are. You don't take anything for granted and your past experiences, moulds your morals. The teen year when love is what everyone looks for but you don't. Your too mature for that. You become a strong person and have huge values and you begin self discovery. You are you and nobody can take that away from you. You start to see through people and some aren't who they once were. The age when you pick up that guitar because you feel connected and you want too. You notice.
The age where everything catches up to you. Your eyes have opened to the world and it is not a happy place as you thought it once was. You become so insignificant to the bigger picture. It's the year you drop out of self-discovery and everything you worked fall and feel lost. You are so lost. There is nothing else too it.
Stuff the Sentimental stuff for one second...
I got a camera. Just letting you know sooooooooooo that means I will be taking heaps of nice photos for you guys to enjoy.
anyway the next blog is sentimental or something like it. Or it could be an epic fail. Hope you like it.
anyway the next blog is sentimental or something like it. Or it could be an epic fail. Hope you like it.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Crash and Burn
Feeling slightly elated today and its peak reached around four o clock, never felt that hyper in my life actually and now nothing...and this is the crash and burn stage, as fatigue washes over me. Lately this has become part of my philosophy of life: that as my good friend ja says when it all catches up in the end or as I say when all things come to an end and when somebody said things that go up must come down, you choose which one you like better but I couldn't decide.
I feel that everything has its peak and once its hit it has nowhere to go but do a bell curve.
I'm not just talking about elation but generally everything in life. Everything has an expiry date. Because my good ol enemy Time sadly rules much of our lives.
Just imagine a world without time, when is your appointments, you may be late for everything and even if you didn't have a clock humans with their overly smart brains will do it the old school way and work it out by the sun and the moon. Real smart. I bet the cavemen could do it better. That's saying something.
No unfortunately our race has depended on time for too long to even think that they could live without it. It is impossible.
For most time gives purpose and why am I agreeing with the enemy, well I'm not. I just wanted to display that their is no use for trying to obliterate the enemy and their is nothing we can do about it.
As everything has an expiry date and everything turns sour in the end.
When we were little we had this sense of security, warmth and we didn't even think about time and its effects, our happiness would put us into a fit of giggles that would last longer than five minutes. We didn't worry and were care-free, no restraints except for our parents and in our eyes everything was perfect like it should be, what our naive young minds concealed most of the world, keeping us safe with in the warmth and security of the bubble.
I'm not sure what I'm going on about and I'm rambling like usual but what I want to say is I wish life was like that again. Because we have to face it, it's not. Unlike our youth and like my short-lived elation, everything ends up to Crash and Burn.
I feel that everything has its peak and once its hit it has nowhere to go but do a bell curve.
I'm not just talking about elation but generally everything in life. Everything has an expiry date. Because my good ol enemy Time sadly rules much of our lives.
Just imagine a world without time, when is your appointments, you may be late for everything and even if you didn't have a clock humans with their overly smart brains will do it the old school way and work it out by the sun and the moon. Real smart. I bet the cavemen could do it better. That's saying something.
No unfortunately our race has depended on time for too long to even think that they could live without it. It is impossible.
For most time gives purpose and why am I agreeing with the enemy, well I'm not. I just wanted to display that their is no use for trying to obliterate the enemy and their is nothing we can do about it.
As everything has an expiry date and everything turns sour in the end.
When we were little we had this sense of security, warmth and we didn't even think about time and its effects, our happiness would put us into a fit of giggles that would last longer than five minutes. We didn't worry and were care-free, no restraints except for our parents and in our eyes everything was perfect like it should be, what our naive young minds concealed most of the world, keeping us safe with in the warmth and security of the bubble.
I'm not sure what I'm going on about and I'm rambling like usual but what I want to say is I wish life was like that again. Because we have to face it, it's not. Unlike our youth and like my short-lived elation, everything ends up to Crash and Burn.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
New Look
Hey everyone, I have nothing really to blog today which is okay but I've changed my picture. This captures the real essence of me I think. I daydream a lot and caught up in my own head. I hope you like it. Plus Shakespeare is over in school.
So do you like it?
So do you like it?
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
The L word
Does it really exist. Love I mean but I guess you guessed that. I see people thinking they fall in love to many but they can't possibly fall in love with every guy they go out with. I think love is more intricate than that, if it does exist and I really find annoying how people say I love you to someone or I love her/him when they have been going out for a week. It's impossible. So I guess I think love at first sight is impossible.
Go ahead and tell me I'm gloom and doom but that is what I think. There is no such thing, because love can't exist in a world that has things happening to innocent people.
Go ahead and tell me I'm gloom and doom but that is what I think. There is no such thing, because love can't exist in a world that has things happening to innocent people.
Read it. I believe he has it right. Then their are people who are trying to find it, seeking through desperation to have a boyfriend. My opinion is that is so stupid but it's their wasted time and not mine. Then their are those people who have no shame saying to me 'You should get a boyfriend' like you can just go the supermarket and pick one right off the shelf and then they ask me 'Why don't you have one?' 'Do you feel sad that you don't have one?' Uh...No. NO. NO! I honestly don't care. I mean I'd like to trust someone so much that I wouldn't care what they thought of me but I could have that in a friend. I'm not going to be one of those people who search for it. If it happens it happens.
Sorry this is such a rant but the quote got me thinking about some people and their questions. If you read this all Kudos and thank-you for listening.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Cheez TV
Many have forgotten, many reminisce and many do not know and to those people who are of the era of Toasted TV lets just say Cheez TV was the origins it was the bomb.
Every morning before school watching these two guys talk about tv and stuff that is necessarily unimportant and then cutting to the chase. The things that we like to watch in the mornings.
It reigned 1995 to 2004 as it heralded us, marching its majesticness (i know there is know such word) on Network Ten. Making mornings enjoyable, gracing us with guests like Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rugrats and one of my favorites was Winx Fairies.
I remember it still my ten year old self from the age of five watching intently at the tv when mum was getting ready before she dropped us off at school, when school started at nine o clock and was a five minute drive, not even.
The cartoons above were like the originals and let me tell you now the cartoons they show now on Toasted TV is not even as good as this. I mean Pokemon with Ash, Brock and Misty who held that egg the whole time until one miraculous day it evolved into that orange bird thing.
Man those were the days.
I bet I sound weird but I loved those cartoons.
For those who don't me, I'm kinda like a tom boy so that might clear the confusion.
Every morning before school watching these two guys talk about tv and stuff that is necessarily unimportant and then cutting to the chase. The things that we like to watch in the mornings.
It reigned 1995 to 2004 as it heralded us, marching its majesticness (i know there is know such word) on Network Ten. Making mornings enjoyable, gracing us with guests like Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rugrats and one of my favorites was Winx Fairies.
I remember it still my ten year old self from the age of five watching intently at the tv when mum was getting ready before she dropped us off at school, when school started at nine o clock and was a five minute drive, not even.
The cartoons above were like the originals and let me tell you now the cartoons they show now on Toasted TV is not even as good as this. I mean Pokemon with Ash, Brock and Misty who held that egg the whole time until one miraculous day it evolved into that orange bird thing.
Man those were the days.
I bet I sound weird but I loved those cartoons.
For those who don't me, I'm kinda like a tom boy so that might clear the confusion.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Bleak stone, gray face,
standing anywhere
a market, a party, alone
in any place.
standing anywhere
a market, a party, alone
in any place.
Dim sheer, paint bare;
I could shout, make a fool
and cry,
no one would care.
I could shout, make a fool
and cry,
no one would care.
I have many faces
and they aren’t all the same,
each showing a different side,
nobody nears me just in case;
and they aren’t all the same,
each showing a different side,
nobody nears me just in case;
Not knowing which one I will show,
Not bothering to find out,
Because I’m no one,
And that’s all they’ll know.
Not bothering to find out,
Because I’m no one,
And that’s all they’ll know.
Bleary veil, crimson, puffed eyes,
Salt crushed swelling rain,
I wish, but I can’t cry.
That taints and marks my demise.
Salt crushed swelling rain,
I wish, but I can’t cry.
That taints and marks my demise.
I breathe and I feel,
I live and I fall,
I cover and I peel,
But nothing matters at all.
I live and I fall,
I cover and I peel,
But nothing matters at all.
I melt into the walls,
a part of a door, window , chair,
a piece of furniture,
that nobody cares; for
a part of a door, window , chair,
a piece of furniture,
that nobody cares; for
Because I’m lifeless, inanimate,
each day is harder,
I become adamant
as I am nothing.
each day is harder,
I become adamant
as I am nothing.
I am just a wallflower.
P.S this is for a novel I'm writing and it is inspired by Wallflower by Pricilla Ahn. Though this one is a tad darker. I hope you like.
Friday, 17 June 2011
The thing about Facebook...
I am one in the millionth who doesn't own a facebook account. Many say that I'm crazy. A minority says Kudos.
I mean I should because we live in a technological world so why not keep up with the times.
Many say why?
I'm not really sure.
I always say I don't have time for it...which is not a lie.
But a friend told me if I have time to blog how come I don't have time to Facebook.
Am I scared I will get addicted?
Am I scared I will get stalked?
I genuinely think its because its just not my thang. Yes thang, I did not make a mistake. It's not my style. Maybe because I don't want to put my whole life up on the web or want everyone to know everything about me. I mean if they see one side of you they believe that is who you are because you said something and it can be taken in different contexts.
I know I could be a hypocrite or contradicting as I am blogging to you now. But blogging is not telling your life story, I mean yeah sure many do it but I like to blog things for people to think about and enjoy together.
I'm probably not making sense. But I never do.
And really...maybe its because I'm just really boring person. Its true though. I don't have someone special in my life, my life right now evolves around school. My brain is with the fairies. I read in my spare time and I like watching movies.
I really do have a boring life.
I mean I should because we live in a technological world so why not keep up with the times.
Many say why?
I'm not really sure.
I always say I don't have time for it...which is not a lie.
But a friend told me if I have time to blog how come I don't have time to Facebook.
Am I scared I will get addicted?
Am I scared I will get stalked?
I genuinely think its because its just not my thang. Yes thang, I did not make a mistake. It's not my style. Maybe because I don't want to put my whole life up on the web or want everyone to know everything about me. I mean if they see one side of you they believe that is who you are because you said something and it can be taken in different contexts.
I know I could be a hypocrite or contradicting as I am blogging to you now. But blogging is not telling your life story, I mean yeah sure many do it but I like to blog things for people to think about and enjoy together.
I'm probably not making sense. But I never do.
And really...maybe its because I'm just really boring person. Its true though. I don't have someone special in my life, my life right now evolves around school. My brain is with the fairies. I read in my spare time and I like watching movies.
I really do have a boring life.
Thursday, 16 June 2011

Only if it were true.
When I grew up my wishes were made by shaking a magic eight ball...at this age I still had a fantasy that wishes came true.
Now that I am nearly seventeen I don't believe in any of it. Which is kind of sad. Because those small things not the wishes themselves but how to make the wish was the fun part.
I just wish my wishes would come true.
Life would just be easier.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Turn Back The Clock
Don't you wish you were young.
I know I'm turning seventeen but I mean when life wasn't stressful and when everything wasn't up to you but to your parents.
Do you remember your mother walking down the hall in heels clacking away and anticipating the moment you were old enough to do that.
Do you remember the time you were on the swing wanting your dad to push you higher and higher, it was like he was magic making you soar and be one with the sky.
Do you remember how seven thirty was the time to go to bed and you would look out the window on daylight savings and watch every night the sun setting, how the pink misted with the orange...it was beautiful.
Do you remember making mud pies and getting dirty not having a care in the world what anybody would think.
Don't you wish you were young.
Do you remember you couldn't wait to grow up.
I do and now I wish I could turn back the clock, life and struggles and with new perspective appreciate my precious moments because swinging on a swing now doesn't feel the same it lacks that magic, high heels aren't what they seem to be, aching feet weren't what you thought back then
and every night you are holed up in your study always missing the sun set because your either too late or to busy on Facebook.
You can't play with mud because that is what a kid does and you always are caring what people are thinking of you.
All I want to do is Turn Back The Clock.
Is that too much to ask?
I know I'm turning seventeen but I mean when life wasn't stressful and when everything wasn't up to you but to your parents.
Do you remember your mother walking down the hall in heels clacking away and anticipating the moment you were old enough to do that.
Do you remember the time you were on the swing wanting your dad to push you higher and higher, it was like he was magic making you soar and be one with the sky.
Do you remember how seven thirty was the time to go to bed and you would look out the window on daylight savings and watch every night the sun setting, how the pink misted with the orange...it was beautiful.
Do you remember making mud pies and getting dirty not having a care in the world what anybody would think.
Don't you wish you were young.
Do you remember you couldn't wait to grow up.
I do and now I wish I could turn back the clock, life and struggles and with new perspective appreciate my precious moments because swinging on a swing now doesn't feel the same it lacks that magic, high heels aren't what they seem to be, aching feet weren't what you thought back then
and every night you are holed up in your study always missing the sun set because your either too late or to busy on Facebook.
You can't play with mud because that is what a kid does and you always are caring what people are thinking of you.
All I want to do is Turn Back The Clock.
Is that too much to ask?
Monday, 13 June 2011
Story Line
I don't know about you but I get hit with inspiration everyday, like a novel concept or idea just hits me in the face and takes the wind out of me. And I'm not being melodramatic. When I'm overcome with these urges I need to write them down before I forget them and today was no different.
They come a lot when I can't start writing because I'm either not at home or I'm doing homework. Today was different though. I was singing in my bedroom dancing around care-free, making my bed...i know I'm weird and embarrassing like that and then BOOM. I'm hit. May-day, May-day ship is sinking.
The urge would not go away so now I'm writing another novel. This one is a little more raw and deep then my last one. Though you guys wouldn't know about it.
Geez my friends say I should explain before I talk because they are not mind-readers. So I apologise so hopefully you will get used to my erratic brain.
Man going off topic. To catch you up. I love writing. I wrote one book already and I would love to publish it. I am currently writing the second one though I have experienced writers block and because of school work I haven't felt like writing which pains me.
But lately I have been getting all these other ideas for other books and then i just put them on a word doc so that I remember them for later but this idea that I got today I could not just store it away. I needed to write. And I did.
Sorry I'm rambling on here and many people probably don't like it and I apologise.
I'm sorry for boring you with my overactive, analytical mind that never quietens down even when I put it in the time-out corner. Ha Ha Ha. I act like a child sometimes.
Anyways. So yeah.
Thanks for listening to those who did.
They come a lot when I can't start writing because I'm either not at home or I'm doing homework. Today was different though. I was singing in my bedroom dancing around care-free, making my bed...i know I'm weird and embarrassing like that and then BOOM. I'm hit. May-day, May-day ship is sinking.
The urge would not go away so now I'm writing another novel. This one is a little more raw and deep then my last one. Though you guys wouldn't know about it.
Geez my friends say I should explain before I talk because they are not mind-readers. So I apologise so hopefully you will get used to my erratic brain.
Man going off topic. To catch you up. I love writing. I wrote one book already and I would love to publish it. I am currently writing the second one though I have experienced writers block and because of school work I haven't felt like writing which pains me.
But lately I have been getting all these other ideas for other books and then i just put them on a word doc so that I remember them for later but this idea that I got today I could not just store it away. I needed to write. And I did.
Sorry I'm rambling on here and many people probably don't like it and I apologise.
I'm sorry for boring you with my overactive, analytical mind that never quietens down even when I put it in the time-out corner. Ha Ha Ha. I act like a child sometimes.
Anyways. So yeah.
Thanks for listening to those who did.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
High Tea
These were sooooooo cute because they were smaller than usual because my mum being the lovely lady she is forgot which size cutter she used.
They may not look scrumpdidilyumptious but let me tell you they were B.E.A.Utiful.
There is nothing that beats a scone and a cup of tea to relax your mind from the ongoing homework.
This reminded me of a time when I was little I remember making these with mum, thinking I was helping though really I was making more of a mess but she didn't care. I could barely see over the counter. I just love those memories. Though I can barely see over the counter now. Ha Ha Jokes. I'm a tad bit taller.
Now because I am sooooooo nice and wonderful I have the recipe for anybody who wants to try. Trust me they are simple, easy and quick. I will apologise now about the photos as it doesn't show these delicious scones in the best light. But trust me they are nice and I am getting a new camera for my birthday soon.
4 cups of self raising flour
60 grams of butter
1 cup of milk
1 cup of water
2 teaspoons of sugar
Salt (we usually don't put this in)
Preheat Oven to 230 or No.8 (depends on oven)
Place flour and salt in a mixing bowl.
Rub butter in until mixed together (you literally rub with you fingers so it goes like a soft crumble texture. It is easier if butter is room temperature.)
Add sugar, milk and water.
Mix until you form a dough.
Now get a board and put a thin dusting of flour on the board and place dough on board.
Roll the dough out until 2cm thick (we do whatever)
Cut with scone cutter (don't fret we use a round glass)
Place close together on a tray with baking paper and brush lightly with milk.
Put in oven for 15 minutes. (times can range slightly)
If not done with melted butter to brown them brush butter on and put in for an extra five minutes.
Serve with Jam and Cream and a hot beverage. (You can sweeten cream with castor sugar but the jam is sweet enough)
Now who says you need to pay $50 a head to have some fancy high tea when this is just as good and fun.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
My Wishlist
Have you ever wanted to start or learn things but you can't because you have so many goals. And it would be impossible to learn all of them at once. Well that is me.
This is just a few.
I want to:
Speak Fluent Italian, French
Learn Self Defense so I can have kick-ass ninja moves and be able to take down a man
Learn Guitar chords though I know notes and can read music
Learn Piano
Be able to write good music
Be able to write beautiful poems
Better posture
Drink more water
Be able to do the splitz both ways
Be able to do leg mounts
Be able to do gymnastic moves
Get tone.
How about you?
This is just a few.
I want to:
Speak Fluent Italian, French
Learn Self Defense so I can have kick-ass ninja moves and be able to take down a man
Learn Guitar chords though I know notes and can read music
Learn Piano
Be able to write good music
Be able to write beautiful poems
Better posture
Drink more water
Be able to do the splitz both ways
Be able to do leg mounts
Be able to do gymnastic moves
Get tone.
How about you?
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Thick Fog
I was in the car as mum was driving me to school and man o man it was foggy. After I saw the sunrise which seemed heavenly this reminded me of a horror film and there is something about the tree how it stands alone, kind of silhouetted and though the blinding light in the corner is the flash against the car window glass, it could be the moon or represent an alien.
My God I'm so weird.
Anyway I'd like to hear what your favorite horror story of film from all time?
My God I'm so weird.
Anyway I'd like to hear what your favorite horror story of film from all time?
Bleak Outlook
If you can see on the rim of the clouds this morning you can see the sun and then rays going up into the bleak looking clouds. Then there was this:
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Now if nobody has been on Wattpad they should really go. It allows unpublished author screen their work. Lately I'm obsessing with it and I reckon so should you. The last book I read was beautifully sweet, no cliches and raw with pure honesty. It is called 'The Awkward Love Story of Abigail Archer' written by distantdreamer. If you haven't read it do so. The link is http://www.wattpad.com/1053184-chapter-one
Has anyone been on Wattpad before?
If so what stories do you recommend because I love a good read.
Has anyone been on Wattpad before?
If so what stories do you recommend because I love a good read.
Take a Walk on Memory Lane and all that Jazz
I totally forgot to have my first post as the description of the blog. Basically this site is going to remind everybody all the great things of the past that we once took for granted and how much I miss them. I'm in my late teens and my era was Bananas in Pajamas, Cheese TV and HR. Pufnstuf. Anybody remember them? It's a blog that will cast back the memories to reminisce. Also it may have my ramblings of daily life and other knick knacks.
Please suggest things for me to blog about or look for you. I really don't mind.
I may not post for the next week as I have exams but till next time.
Please suggest things for me to blog about or look for you. I really don't mind.
I may not post for the next week as I have exams but till next time.
Hey everybody, or anyone who does read this. I was going to put my media project on this blog but instead i made a new one for it. It is about News and New Media and how it is shaping our world currently. If you are interested here is the link...www.technozoidal.blogspot.com. Originally it was going to be called Technozoid but that name was already used up. I called my brother a technozoid as he likes technology and especially COD, though I do too, though not as much as him. Okay I'm rambling and sorry because I do that a lot. Basically if you want to check out you can.
Monday, 6 June 2011
A Midsummer Nights Dream
You may have guessed that I am going with a bit of a theme, it is because for Drama we are doing this play, A Midsummer Night's Dream and also Romeo and Juliet. I don't know about you but I love Shakespeare and its colourful language and I know many do not appreciate it.
Here is a small fact: Shakespeare made up words that we use today and because of him we have some words from the English language. Bubble is one of those words.
So what do you think?
Here is a small fact: Shakespeare made up words that we use today and because of him we have some words from the English language. Bubble is one of those words.
So what do you think?
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