Friday 16 September 2011

My Rock

Everybody has a rock. Somebody that they can lean on in troubled times. Being the person that I am didn't know this concept until a few days ago. As I was talking to a friend we were talking about their rock and they asked me who is your rock? At the time I said I don't know. This new concept made me think, all these years I have been other peoples rocks that when they need help I'm the one who is reliable and will help at a moments notice but who do I have. I thought for quite a long time and came up with this: many hang onto me but i am on a cliff flailing my little arms trying to grab hold of something but come up with nothing. My friend told me to go for guys since they are a lot stronger- emotionally, usually. This is like my mission sort of...because I'm not one of those emotional girls which I keep reminding a lot of people but though this is the fact, it is always nice when you know you have someone there too lean on.

Haha...I couldn't resist putting this in this blog. Love the song...

It all started with do you remember...

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