Friday 30 September 2011

hey i'm back

Did anyone miss me?
Sorry I was away for such a long time. Did so much. Had two parties on friday and then saturday then sunday was on my way to merimbula NSW. I will tell you exactly what I told my friends. It was calming, serene and looks relaxing but not much to do that is the reason we cut it short we were supposed to come back Sunday. But for some odd reason i was very uncomfortable. I have no idea why, as i said the place was very relaxing, though small but you can't complain. I just had an urge to go home. Don't know why. The good thing was I got soooo much thinking and contemplating (they mean the same thing I know) done, that I have figured a lot of confusion out. Untangled my yarn from my head and really thought. When you are so in deep in thought it is so satisfying , especially when all your worries and confusion that has burdened itself on you for like a month is finally let go a little. There is more space for new information because I'm not consumed  by old.

So here are some photos...
                                                          (this is  Eden)

Me attempting at building a sandcastle
and failing miserably. First of all I was gonna make a sandman like a snowman but I didn't have much time so I tried to make a sand christmas tree instead and as you can see it turned out more like a dung pile.

This is my brothers however
obviously he is more artistic than me and could utilise his time with better management.
The next pictures were from the day before where we both made a sand castle and we made a tunnel. I had this pretty cool idea to take a photo through the tunnel out to the see and some look like Nathan out of the opening of a cave.

i like these pictures because it looks like something off a postcard or something
and this just happened to take when i tripped over the sand and was falling down but its a good picture ey?

I'll upload the rest tomorrow

It started with do you remember...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Toto I don't think we are in Kansas anymore

Really? Is this real, I mean how can such a wonderful thing exist...I never thought it could and no I'm not speaking of love but  a day where there was no drama. Now that sounds too good to be true. Don't you think? I didn't think life could be like that lately but I guess I'm  not always right.
It wasn't anything special that happened today but yet again it was special. Just a nice sunny day hanging with friends, filming something for media, doing what I love to do. It was a good day...tiring but still good.
It must be because I was around people that didn't bitch...maybe that's it. Just people who can have conversations other than gossip.
It's a great accomplishment to finally share a day like that.
This post may be sarcastic and i am exaggerating but clearly did like this day. It was so different, like the old days.

It all started with do you remember...

Friday 16 September 2011

My Rock

Everybody has a rock. Somebody that they can lean on in troubled times. Being the person that I am didn't know this concept until a few days ago. As I was talking to a friend we were talking about their rock and they asked me who is your rock? At the time I said I don't know. This new concept made me think, all these years I have been other peoples rocks that when they need help I'm the one who is reliable and will help at a moments notice but who do I have. I thought for quite a long time and came up with this: many hang onto me but i am on a cliff flailing my little arms trying to grab hold of something but come up with nothing. My friend told me to go for guys since they are a lot stronger- emotionally, usually. This is like my mission sort of...because I'm not one of those emotional girls which I keep reminding a lot of people but though this is the fact, it is always nice when you know you have someone there too lean on.

Haha...I couldn't resist putting this in this blog. Love the song...

It all started with do you remember...

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The Snail

I'm a snail, slowly making my mark everywhere I go
I'm a snail, curious about the outside world but anxious at the same time
I'm a snail, I have a shell that is hard for me but anyone can crush it
I'm a snail, I'm shy but when I get familiar with my surroundings I get a little more confident.
I'm a snail, that when I poke my  head out and somebody touches it it pops back in and doesn't show for a long time.
I'm a snail, trust is hard to get but once messed with me it is even harder.

It all started with do you remember

Monday 12 September 2011



That is how i feel. Helpless when I see my friend put on a bravado face just for me, until I see a short glimpse of the hurt he carries. He won't talk about it but I know he is hurt. Helpless because I don't want to pressure him into telling me, yet too I know I don't like to tell anyone my truest feelings. What do I do?
Helpless is when I see a starving child on the television, knowing that my money can do only so much and that their isn't only one starving child but a lot.
Helpless that the person rotting sitting in her bed, glued to the laptop, won't get up to help herself. She stares bleary eyed at the screen, gazing at it like an addiction, honing into it for hope but it is just a screen. Her hope is her family that try to help but she won't take any of it, and each time she refuses, she digs down into the depths of gloom taking my father with her.
Then I feel a little angry because all he wants to do is see her lively and trying to help her but she ignores it and gets angry at him because she won't help herself. I just want to yell at her for what she is doing to him, each refusal makes him lash out like a ticking time bomb ready to explode any minute, anything can let him off. Then I'm angry at the family that bitches every time we get together because that is all they talk about.
But most of all I'm angry at myself for not having the guts to wake her up, and for feeling helpless.
Because that is what I am helpless.

It all started with do you remember...

Saturday 10 September 2011


Today was probably the first time in five years that I have felt like this. Today reminded me of when I was in year six and had a lovely male best friend, who helped me out and we had fun together without actually liking each other in a girlfriend/boyfriend way. Today at rehearsals I felt the same, finally one of the missing pieces of my puzzle had been filled and I was content. It was nice the hugs, the talking of the past and how each of us got scars and accidents, the dirty jokes. I felt like my year six self but more mature and the jokes have slightly changed. But it was nice, I know I can count on him and it was nice to be accepted once again.
Why the hell am I telling you guys this...well I just had this feeling of wholeness, yes I am such a cornball with extra cheese but that is how I felt and not many people usually hear me talk about my feelings or anything like that so you guys should feel privileged.
Have a great weekend...I can tell you that mine has brightened up so much more now although it is overcast outside.

It all started with do you remember...

Thursday 8 September 2011


i don't know about anyone else but lately it scares me how many people aren't actually who they say they are. Don't you hate it when you think you know someone so well because you've either been friends with them or known of them that they dramatically change in the space of an hour. And you are standing there thinking...'What the HELL happened?'.
Then you can't look at them the same way...
It's shit...and was it all a lie? The friendship, the conversations...It just makes you wonder.

It all started with do you remember...

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Now my friends lets go back to Value One in friendship: Honesty, how I said it was probably the most important thing and without it there can be no trust...nothing. It is the foundation that allows you to trust, rely and feel comfortable with them as you know whenever you need it they will hand you the truth on a platter.
I hate to stress that this point in my life has been broken way too many times and for me that would be a relationship breaker, either for friends or something more. It's either the truth or nothing.
Now people lie, its human nature so there are slip ups as nobody is perfect and these are called little white lies but lies that affect not only you if they are caught out but the person who hears that it is a lie is soooooooo not okay. This is not gonna be very attractive imagery but think of me as a snail, I don't trust people easily and that is my downfall, so when i get comfortable i let go a little and go out of my shell but when someone pokes me or lies to my face I slip right  back into my shell. More alert than ever, each time it is harder to come out. When someone crushes my shell they obliterate me, and i am no more- gone or that is how i feel. So really the liar is not only affecting themselves but everyone else. And they don't remember that the reasons behind how people are is about experience and for me I've had a lot of experience.
Now that it has happened again, well we'll see how long it takes for trust to warm up again.

It all started with do you remember...

Monday 5 September 2011

spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down

Well its been a good week.
I had the presentation ball and though i was dreading it...I actually had fun, dancing with my friends and after so many weeks of rehearsal finally pulling off those moves and actually got led a little which was a golden surprise. Not to be mean or anything. Honestly. The weather has been nice and sunny reminding me of the good ol' days of carefree hours and the homework has slowed down too surprisingly letting me actually be able to sign into my msn account and watch tv and relax as sooo many of my friends are telling me to do.
Found out I have a love for  honey just eating it straight of the jar with a spoon and it tastes good drizzled on weetbix with milk, apple and banana and strawberry. My breakfast to get my energy going after the long night of dancing.
Then Fathers was that? For me it didn't feel like Fathers Day but that is a whole other story.
Well I hope everyone is as swell and happy as I, now back to reality, maths homework...yay -_-

It all started with do you remember...