Monday 1 August 2011

I'm Just Another Cinderella

I'm a punching bag full of dead weight,
A right hook here and a jab there
you see me as some vulnerable bait
that can be misused and abused but just you wait

Raw throat, hurting for air
Bleary eyed i think i might cry
Biting down on my lip
I restrain and hold my head up high

Twenty minutes back we were laughing,
Your sarcasm and my fatigue
Flash forward we were fighting.
With yells being thrown, I don't want to fight with you

It pains to see you leave
leaving me at the sink
Grabbing a cleaver you are so naive
The water is boiling over

Anger swells, seeing red hot,
Knuckles white, the bench top hardens
The boiling overflows the pot
Heat surges, ears whistled.

Flash back we were cuddling
I helped with your homework
And you admired my assisting
Now you see nothing.

Black pot simmering
Knuckles turn pink
My heart restarts beating
I can see clearly

In silence I turn from the clean dishes
the food I cooked, the house I cleaned
I turn away from all of that
Of course unseen

Your dark sarcasm reflects off my ratty armor
I stand strong, bitten and burnt
But still standing after the disaster
Just ready to prepare for the next round
Where I will be better and stronger

Hopefully you have learnt
That I have done so much for you
And what you do in return
Is bullshit and now I'm not having it, whatever you do.

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