Wednesday 31 August 2011


I don't know whether it is because I'm a bitch and people don't like me or its because it just is and I really hope I it isn't because I'm a bitch, and whilst I'm typing my eyes are blurring the screen from how tired I am. I haven't felt any motivation lately so thank God for no homework tonight. Wahoo. Anyway apart from my personal celebratory thingy majiggy, my fatigue lately has made very dull company, irritable and a lot like PMS I guess. Not that you need to know anything about that...anyway, if you know a girl who has been through that or girls who know the feeling that is how I have been feeling and it doesn't help when friends drift away and other things in my life get messy.
For instance...I realised that I wasn't as close with a really good friend, I mean we hang out  but they go off with other friends as do I and we don't talk anymore, it is like we don't know what to talk about, we have gotten to the stage where we do small talk like acquaintances, yes or no answers and things like that. This is quite a bummer because we used to be besties, I don't know if they have realised this also, they go out with my other former bestie to each other's houses, shopping and all that. I mean I hate shopping but you could still ask? Okay so I don't want to be a bitch but its just things are changing and I knew they would, but not now, I thought after year 12 because everyone says friends forever but it never works out like that, we will go our seperate ways. It isn't really that hard to comprehend and I guess I have thought about it a lot, it isn't like I want to easily just let go of my friends but I guess when it comes the time I will do  it a lot easily, since I'm not clouded by fluffy lovey dovey bullshit that in the end means nothing.
I'm not gonna say that I don't really like my friends because I do and some more than others have made a huge impact on my life. If you are reading this Jaja is one of them, she kept me sane whilst i was in rough patch. I owe her so much and I thank her for it. But I see friends that are so close and then drift apart like they were nothing, happened to me a lot but really I am so used to it.
Just wanted to rant
so thanks for listening.

It started with do you remember

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