Thursday 18 August 2011

Mashed Potato

I know I haven't blogged in yonks...yes I say this is just a mash-up of ranting, speculation and creative flair. (I hope!)

Culture or Excuse?

Many people these days  believe it is a part of Australian culture to drink and like the media has portrayed us teenagers, some more than others like to get on the bandwagon too and drink in the festive, 'cultural' spirit. But is that really an excuse to abuse alcohol party after party? Do you really  need a beverage that will leave you intoxicated with some reflux action and a killer headache as a side affect to have fun? For me opinion I don't drink because I don't like to...I've seen the consequences of friends and family, what it does to relationships and the taste is really not that great. But even knowing these things people still tell their friends that they are going to get wasted that night and it will be the best thing ever! Yeah the last time I checked becoming a clumsy zombie, sleazy dirtbag or aggressive nut whilst smelling off and having no recollection the next morning is the best thing ever...Not! Drinking shouldn't be done to have fun, people should not need to drink to have fun because you won't remember the fun anyway as it will be a haze in the memory with everybody else telling you the things you did. Drinking can also be used as an excuse so you don't take responsibility of a sticky situation like kissing a girl/guy you liked but they don't like you back, if you were drunk then they will think it is a one off thing, or that you're are totally gross because guys out their I'll will let you know now on a little secret...guys that are drunk are very  unattractive. Just putting it out there.
Also smoking...but that is for another time and you are probably thinking right now, geez she is a nun or something...well no I'm not I've just seen the affects and the lack of control it gives people.

I'm not referencing the movie but BOYS and for boys who are reading this you can read further and answer my questions or comment orrrr skip this entirely and not waste your time. It's up to you and please note you have  been warned.
Signs? Gestures? Coincidences?
Honestly when it comes to guys I have no idea if they are flirting with me or talking casually or trying to drop a hint. Usually I think it is nothing because of my low respect for myself and lack of confidence but sometimes I have an inkling and then think I am over-thinking things.
Honestly you'd think I'd know because I've had best friends that are guys, I used to hang out with guys a lot but I also have a lot of doubt. So how do you know? Also some people say I flirt but I don't even recognise me flirting so how am i supposed to know if the other sex is? Soooooooooo confusing.

a start of  a poem: i know this is pretty depressing most of my poems are because I only right when I'm down, so don't think I'm a depressed person because of my poems.
I  am paper thin on the verge of breaking
People see me but they keep on walking
I can sing, dance, act but they don't care
Nobody notices, I am a stray balloon in the air.

Small, black twirling higher and higher,
Battling the winds, the storms and the fire.
The bruises and scars make me rise further,
But what I do doesn't even matter.

So comments will be appreciated I do read them...
It all started with do you remember...

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