Monday 8 August 2011

Peek A Boo

Yeah I know I haven't been around for a while...yeah now I sound like a hypocrite as I do not like when other bloggers go through blog droughts or until it becomes a fad again...yeah realistically it has only been a week. And what a week it was. I now know to use my no judging skills as people have lives like me and are busy sometimes. I had musical all week, I wasn't home, other times I was tired...dead tired that I couldn't even have the energy to press the computer's on button let alone open my eyes. Yes I was exhausted to the 'T' but I'm back again and boy did you guys miss me.
Like usual I am writing when I should be doing homework but that will get done later tonight. Anyway I'm just going to pommel into it, not really a rant but something that has been bothering me.
I want to get into the film industry when I'm older and it is bloody hard as people have been telling me like I don't already know or haven't thought about but really that isn't the only worry, many stereotype actors and that industry as snobby, big-headed and that sort of person but on set I have met some of the most down to earth people, that really care for their craft and stick it all day even in the most freezing weather, sometimes for free, to do what they love to do.
Now this is outside of school where there are no friends or anything it is a whole different thing in school. I have a predicament on my hands. Some people who you like a lot and don't want to hurt there feelings sometimes piss you off so bad because of their behavior. As we do theatre at school they talk about getting the main and when they don't they cry and when they do they boast and usually I just step back and let them sought it out for themselves because quite frankly I don't want to hear it how they want to get the main every time and not give anyone else a shot and don't have a problem with that. I hate how this on their part as I do not really care can make them angry at me for really no damn reason. I mean we are friends, we are supposed to be friends who stick with each other thick or thin and over a role they change like I am some competition. Usually as I said I stand back but next year is my last and I don't want to get trodden over though it is in me to feel guilty for these feelings, its just in the real world I can't not stand for myself, I won't ever go so low to being a bitch because some people are going for the same role.
Once again this does not make sense...
2nd Part: Jordan your blogs were enjoyable and made me laugh and you stopping now I have nothing to read nor does Jaja she and I want you to keep going. Pleeasssssssssse.

Anyway it all started with do you remember...

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