Tuesday 13 November 2012

Human Emotion can be so bloody stupid sometimes. It can cause accidents, it can cause incidents and sometimes its just there, in the way of any logical thinking. Overanalysing is not a cognitive process.  It is not at all. It is more an emotional part that has nothing to do with the brain (well it technically does but you get what im trying to say). I have done all of the above.
It can be so stupid in fact that it can hurt people, it can make others overanalyse and thus we have this neverending cycle. Overanalysing we all do it. If you say we don't then you're are not only lying to me but moreso yourselves. Why are you denying it? My friend always asks me. There are reasons. I say. But there are reasons for everything, the reason for the reasons is a different kettle of fish or something along those lines that women phrase. You are human. You overanalyse because you feel threatened, you care, or you dream.
Lately I have let my emotion to get in the way of my 'good temperament'. I have become too feminine, sorry girls. I used to joke about things, let people joke about things. Nothing would get to me. I wouldn't overthink things at all, I'd just let them be. As I've said I have been mighty angry recently. I have no idea why. It is annoying because this takes over my judgement. It makes me think things I wouldn't have if I were in a content mood.
I don't trust many people as it is but it has made me further question whether I should trust the people that I trust now. Yeah I'm a freak. I don't know if you guys do it also.
For instance there are these three little words that someone said to me the other day and no they are not 'I love you' haha, it will be a while for someone to even get to that point with me.  Whatever!!! But no, because of my wavered judgement all I said was 'that's nice'. It just didn't make any sense. Was it a line? It was most likely a line- these thoughts were the one's that ran through my head non-stop.
People think that others overanalyse of people that they really like, in  a romantic way. That is not the case, not at all, its just if you care about that person, if you trust that person or if aren't quite sure if you care more. It is Social Reality. It sucks.
People are complex creatures, they don't necessarily put it all out there. My friends don't allow the rest of the world to see who they truly are underneath that is why it didn't make sense. I don't get it. I probably never will. I don't want to keep questioning things, I want to trust what is said to me, but that is being naive. Ignorance is Bliss but is it really? Is a lie really better than the truth? And then that makes me wonder even more. I always say honesty is the best cure for anything. I'd rather be upfront and honest then deceive someone. Others say sometimes honesty isn't the best thing, you have to protect those you love. But is it really protecting? Or is it just blurring the truth? What if they hear the truth from someone else? Doesn't that hurt more? What if they are having a conversation with someone else and this judgement is somehow muddled, so they believe whatever shocking information comes out of that person's mouth. They believe they have been betrayed. Couldn't the truth at the start have prevented this outcome?
Then you have a minor fight with someone or a major fight with someone and they say all these nice things that make you feel like a fool for even believing someone else's truth. Later I then think, are they just saying these things to smooth things over, cause they can't be bothered, or they know what they did was wrong and they don't want to dig a deeper hole for themselves. I mean what is real! People are always trying to cover themselves, they just put it in a way that appears to be caring for other's wellbeing.
I don't know who or what to believe anymore that is why distancing helps a little, to gain perspective, to make the emotion calm down a little and possibly go. So that it is a clean slate and you can think clearly without this heavy fog blurring your mind and vision.
I don't know.

It all started with do you remember...

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