Tuesday 6 November 2012

Brown Paper Bag

A brown paper bag?
What do they behold?
It must be innocent?
The knowledge is worth gold?

It's mysterious lure
Sings to me.
Its hidden nature
Does not want to be seen.

Brown Paper Bag
You are a device.
To hide and conceal.
Someone's demise.

Death is not just for the dead.
It is to define a termination.
My heart turns to lead.
Who is next?

Is it the grog bearer?
Or the druggie?
The meds taker?
Or the baby?

Is it the grandma?
Full of old.

The brown paper bag
With her meds.
Yet they don't help.
Her sighs and dreads.

Bag? It is more than that
Au Revoir!
I take off my hat.
I leave and I am gone.

That bag is more than bags.
It is a reminder.
Down it drags.
Suffocating the finder will find.
And the willbearer will deny
That she closed both her eyes.

It all started with do you remember

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