Wednesday 4 April 2012

*Place all Obscenities under the sun in here*

I could post this all over Facebook where millions can see orrrrrrrrrr I could post it here where millions may see...If i were to choose I would choose here because I know for a fact that about two people read this blog constantly. But if I post this on here am I being egotistical, hypocritical at the fact I am complaining once are you guys not sick of me. I sicken myself, weewt to my self love...anyway. I could have statused something that would be viewed by others as they squander at the very thought of what the hell ticked me off this time...or that they may not even give a shit because hey she is off like a rocket again...have I lost you yet? Because surprisingly I haven't lost myself through all this, which is good.
And the point of my post was to rant but I don't exactly want everyone to know so I may keep this on the down low. Oh. My. This may actually rhyme. Gee Whiz. The unfortunate people that may know who I am and are close with who I am will probably just get the repercussions without the reason to why I am behaving the way I do...Do you get it? No. Of course not......or i may not give the things the satisfaction of my anger because really i shouldn't have been surprised, they don't deserve such effort or emotion.

Totally different topic.......What status' I hate (and most likely many others too)

1. 'I made an omelette for my mum...aren't I great daughter' (Stop. Do you want a medal? Because nobody gives a shit)
2. 'I'm bored as' (If you're bored, then get off facebook and do something productive...if you keep on saying you're bored, get the hint and get a life)

3. 'Like for an inbox/text' (Um...get the initiative and strike up a conversation yourself)

2. and 3. can go hand in hand. 'I'm so bored argh somebody text me'. (Enough said)

Oh and just in general...if you are posting a status way too much. (Get A Life)
Oh and one more thing if you posted something like this 'Oh....I'm so sad because my poor cat sparkles died this time last year' and then a minute later 'OOOOHHH ICECREAM TRUCK!!!! :DDDD'
You either have no genuine care orrr a very short attention span...either way, check it out.

Love you all...mwa. mwa...

It all started with do you remember...

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