Monday 30 April 2012

Back Back Back Like we used to...

you're a guy
im a girl
two different species
same understanding
we used to....

What happened?!?
Let us delve deeper.

It started off rocky
It ended up rocky
Bliss and sun rise in between
You here for me
I there for you
That's how it is
That is how it was

You're a guy
Was a problem
Got over my naivity
Saw your sex another way
Let my guard down
Regret...that is all there is to say.

I'm a girl
Who's to say...surely you.
Or so you think.
Damsel in distress no way.
Or thats what i believe.
Do you? I never knew.
I never knew what you thought.
Still don't.

Two different species
You seem adventurous
I seem to just stick to what i know
You seem confident
I seem cold-hearted
A lot of seems
A lot of assumptions
But we never knew...

I hated you because I didn't want to feel anything else
I said some things to keep my strong image up
You looked at me and I got scared
You said some things and I'd wonder
I'd just wonder.

Same Understanding
We were similar
Grey walls
Steel Plaster
Glassy stare
Melting honey and beeswax
Cold but beating.
I trusted. I forgot. I regret.

We used to...
Smile when we saw each other
Now we just keep walking
Talk to the ends of the earth
Now stony silence, stretched control
Feel comfortable
Now I feel awkward, you seem awkward.
Now we Ignore.
Be friends
Now we are nothing more...

It all started with do you remember...

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