Tuesday 21 February 2012

101. Reality Checks...GOTTA LOVE THEM

This post was originally going to be called 'All Good Things Come To An End' but then i rethought, and rethought and rethought and then thought why was I rethinking so much...I am not dumb, I am intelligent. So why am I acting like Malibu Barbie. Anyway I thought that instead it should be called Reality Checks, as it may be an end of something that was good that in the future this check may have been the best thing ever. If ya get me.
If ya don't, let me rephrase. Have a boyfriend... you're in love (HA)...he cheats on you (where is the love now?)...you finally see he is a jerk, friends were right...end of something you thought was great but now a couple of years on you have a great boyfriend (or so you think). Reality checks can lead to better opportunities, stop bad habits.
By the way...The anecdote above is not about me or anyone I know for that matter...so Reality checks, many people change themselves on New Years and during important events but a reality check can be any time, I have them quite often and I think i should listen to them more often.

Reality Check on my behavior am I being myself...now in check
Reality Check...looking at the reality...gotta look past it...now in check

it all started with do you remember...

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