Sunday 16 October 2011

When everything turns

Man o man I had a revelation...I mean I thought I was a bitch but truly never believed it until last Thursday.
I don't know why hadn't posted this sooner but...since year nine i have been pretty damn independent, its my thing. I'd rather rely on myself, open up to myself and yeah it could get lonely sometimes but its better than getting let down by others. I was the pessimistic, overly sarcastic girl who held her own.Probably to compensate for my shy, quiet ways in primary and year seven/eight. I didn't let anybody break down the walls I had so long and hard built up for so many years. It was me and me alone. Until either a couple of months ago or last month. When I was talking about my rock in my previous posts, well it started firstly me opening up a little, just a crack and ended up being more dependent and my sarcasm left. Now people know me for my sarcasm so this was a big thing. I noticed how pathetic I felt for being dependent so last Thursday I tried to regain and find myself again. The independence thing was coming back slowly but the sarcasm was easier to retrieve.
It was so funny it slapped me in the face how much of a bitch I was. The sarcasm was so thick...the look on people's faces that day was hilarious. But if that is how I was before my god I was a bitch. How did anybody ever like me or want to be friends with me escapes me.
A lot of people did call me a bitch last year and now I know why, I have realised. I don't know if I'm gonna stop my ways because I definitely don't want to go back to the short-lived dependent ways, but maybe just downplay the sarcasm a notch.
People got so used to the nicer person in that month, when the sarcastic person came back on the scene, they were a little bit surprised. Except for some who even exclaimed "Yes she is back, where the hell did you go"
Goes to show there are many sides of a person and people shouldn't label or picture you as one type because that would suggest that they think they know you. In actual fact nobody knows anybody to the full extent.

My two cents.

It all started with do you remember...

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