Sunday 20 May 2012

Be a little selfish for a change...

It shouldn't have taken that long to make a decision.
There shouldn't have been any decision making in the first place.
The decision was made even before the proposition was offered.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe 'I' me out of all people, had to question myself.
Myself meaning my values, my dignity, my principles just...ME.
There was no need. NO NEED AT ALL.
There should NOT have been ANY question about it.
I was going to agree to something that was going to change me or who I am because who I am would not have even thought about agreeing in the first place.
I could have asked for my friends advice on the topic a million times but that wouldn't have helped. Essentially it  came down to what 'I' wanted, not what the 'OTHER' person was wanting. I needed time to think and think I did. But yet it shouldn't have needed thinking. A precise NO would have done the trick.
I am satisfied with my decision because any other would not have been me and I wouldn't change me for ANY PERSON. Be that an interest, a friend unless justified to benefit my character and make me a better person. But if that is NOT the case then I'll stay me. I'm NOT DESPERATE to change. I HAVE VALUES that I'd like to KEEP. And people shouldn't change if someone simply tells them to. Especially if they can't give you what you want then why should you give them what they want?

And that is what it came down to...
If I had done it differently. I would have been lying to myself and everyone around me.
That is not me.

It all started with do you remember...

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