Thursday 24 May 2012

Monday 21 May 2012

sweet child of mine

Red Brick
Blue Stone
Tough is the trick
But then you're alone.

Violins play,
their strings scream
not the sort of way
thats played in a dream

Twining, squealing together 
One by one
I don't know whether
That is how it should be done.

It is not right
Harsh reality
gave me a fright
their should be fraility

and light; pure and simple
like cherubs wings
innocent like a dimple
and other cute things

Don't cast them away
Place them behind bars
They need to come out one day
so open the sealed tight jars

As sweet as a child
It blossoms and grows
Don't constrict or let it run wild
Don't give a low blow

Its in a cage
under your chest
You need to engage
Not put it to rest

Let you be pure
Stop acting hard
Let you be free
You are not on guard

Everybody has one
a sweet child
So let it run free
Thats when you'll smile

It started with do you remember...

Sunday 20 May 2012

Be a little selfish for a change...

It shouldn't have taken that long to make a decision.
There shouldn't have been any decision making in the first place.
The decision was made even before the proposition was offered.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe 'I' me out of all people, had to question myself.
Myself meaning my values, my dignity, my principles just...ME.
There was no need. NO NEED AT ALL.
There should NOT have been ANY question about it.
I was going to agree to something that was going to change me or who I am because who I am would not have even thought about agreeing in the first place.
I could have asked for my friends advice on the topic a million times but that wouldn't have helped. Essentially it  came down to what 'I' wanted, not what the 'OTHER' person was wanting. I needed time to think and think I did. But yet it shouldn't have needed thinking. A precise NO would have done the trick.
I am satisfied with my decision because any other would not have been me and I wouldn't change me for ANY PERSON. Be that an interest, a friend unless justified to benefit my character and make me a better person. But if that is NOT the case then I'll stay me. I'm NOT DESPERATE to change. I HAVE VALUES that I'd like to KEEP. And people shouldn't change if someone simply tells them to. Especially if they can't give you what you want then why should you give them what they want?

And that is what it came down to...
If I had done it differently. I would have been lying to myself and everyone around me.
That is not me.

It all started with do you remember...

Thursday 10 May 2012

Entry 3

Though the sky has been showering it is now clearing, revealing a new blue hue. Fresh. Fresh like the water, untouched by this ship before. My crew and I have been fighting a weary battle for quite a long time now on the once choppy seas.
The waves ceased as new land approached. Except as Captain sailing into new seas and territories can be daunting. Though the skys are crystal, the shadow and rain torments inside. There is this caution that you should take in the unknown waters and all that you are desiring and expecting could be drowned the moment you step on land. The discovery may be a total flop and then your back out to sea, drifting aimlessly until the compass strikes a North.
Like always the other crew members are oblivious of the black shadow that casts across my brow but this time I'm in control of the wheel and I, the Captain take the helm.

It started with do you remember...

Friday 4 May 2012

I may not be the most nicest person but I try to be
I may not be the most intelligent person but I try to be
I may  not be the most grateful person but I try to be
I may not be the most entertaining person but I try to be

And it  may just happen that I may not be you or as good as you but at least I try to be the best person I can and if that's not good enough, or if you so kindly like to keep shooting me down with your obnoxious comments of myself than go straight ahead...Cause at least I may not be the most cockiest person and I definitely don't try to  be.

I mean who can compete with'd just take the prize quicksmart  in that department

It all started with do you remember...

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Hot or Cold
Oceans or Glass
Smiles or Lines
Wavy or Straight
Flat or Fist
Once here
Now gone

It all started with do you remember...